Announcements and Upcoming Events

Please check this webpage and our Facebook page for the latest information on the Book Corner and Friends of the Yorba Linda Public Library events.

Book Corner Fall Sale - September 28th, 10am - 4 pm in the Book Corner

To kick off the fall reading season, the Book Corner is having a big sale on Saturday September 28th.  All store merchandise will be 20% off.  Friends members can receive and additional 10% off, for a total savings of 30%!

Additional merchandise will be brought out from the inventory room and a sizeable selection of Jewish themed books will be available for the upcoming holidays.

Ice Cream Social and 35th Anniversary Celebration - October 19th, 1 - 3PM in the Community Room

Friends Members!  Come celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the founding of the Friends of the Yorba Linda Public Library.  Get a chance to meet fellow Friends and also meet members of the Friends Board of Directors.  We will have pictures and stories to share!  This event is for Friends Members Only.

Book Donations:

We accept donations of up to four boxes or bags during normal business hours.  A few days prior to our Annual Sale in January and other large store-wide sales, we may need to limit donations to accommodate preparations for the event.  Notice of these limitations will be made on this website.

  • We are currently accepting donations.  For donations larger than four bags/bones, please call us to make an appointment at 714-693-5044.


Our organization is 100% staffed by volunteers who are members of the Friends of the Yorba Linda Public Library.  To be considered for a volunteer position, you must be a current member of the Friends.  Volunteer openings occur throughout the year, so check back if applications are not being accepted at this time.  Thank you for your interest!

  • We are currently NOT accepting applications at this time.  Please check back for future opportunities.

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